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数字图像处理3rd - Chapter 1 - 3



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1.3 Examples of Fields that Use Digital Image Processing

Today, there is almost no area of technical endeavor that is not impacted in some way by digital image processing. We can cover only a few of these applications in the context and space of the current discussion. However, limited as it is, the material presented in this section will leave no doubt in your mind regarding the breadth and importance of digital image processing. We show in this section numerous areas of application, each of which routinely utilizes the digital image processing techniques developed in the following chapters. Many of the images shown in this section are used later in one or more of the examples given in the book. All images shown are digital.

1.3 使用数字图像处理的实例


The areas of application of digital image processing are so varied that some form of organization is desirable in attempting to capture the breadth of this field. One of the simplest ways to develop a basic understanding of the extent of image processing applications is to categorize images according to their source (e.g., visual, X-ray, and so on). The principal energy source for images in use today is the electromagnetic energy spectrum. Other important sources of energy include acoustic, ultrasonic, and electronic (in the form of electron beams used in electron microscopy). Synthetic images, used for modeling and visualization, are generated by computer. In this section we discuss briefly how images are generated in these various categories and the areas in which they are applied. Methods for converting images into digital form are discussed in the next chapter.


Images based on radiation from the EM spectrum are the most familiar, especially images in the X-ray and visual bands of the spectrum. Electromagnetic waves can be conceptualized as propagating sinusoidal waves of varying wavelengths, or they can be thought of as a stream of massless particles, each traveling in a wavelike pattern and moving at the speed of light. Each massless particle contains a certain amount (or bundle) of energy. Each bundle of energy is called a photon. If spectral bands are grouped according to energy per photon, we obtain the spectrum shown in Fig. 1.5, ranging from gamma rays (highest energy) at one end to radio waves (lowest energy) at the other.



Gamma 射线 / X 射线 / 紫外线 / 可见光 / 红外线 / 微波 / 无线电波
FIGURE 1.5 The electromagnetic spectrum arranged according to energy per photon.
图1.5 根据每个光子的能量排列的电磁波谱。

电子伏特(electron volt),符号为eV,是能量的单位。代表一个电子(所带电量为1.6×10-19C的负电荷)经过1伏特的电位差加速后所获得的动能。
电子伏特与能量单位焦耳(J)的换算关系是1 eV = 1.602176565×10^-19 J

The bands are shown shaded to convey the fact that bands of the EM spectrum are not distinct but rather transition smoothly from one to the other.

1.3.1 Gamma-Ray Imaging
Major uses of imaging based on gamma rays include nuclear medicine and astronomical observations. In nuclear medicine, the approach is to inject a patient with a radioactive isotope that emits gamma rays as it decays. Images are produced from the emissions collected by gamma ray detectors. Figure 1.6(a) shows an image of a complete bone scan obtained by using gamma-ray imaging. Images of this sort are used to locate sites of bone pathology, such as infections or tumors. Figure 1.6(b) shows another major modality of nuclear imaging called positron emission  tomography(PET). The principle is the same as with X-ray tomography, mentioned briefly in Section 1.2.  However, instead of using an external source of X-ray energy, the patient is given a radioactive isotope  that emits positrons as it decays. When a positron meets an electron,both are annihilated and two gamma rays are given off. These are detected and a tomographic image is created using the basic  principles of tomography. The image shown in Fig.1.6(b) is one sample of a sequence that constitutes a 3-D rendition of the patient. This image shows a tumor in the brain and one in the lung, easily visible as  small white masses.

1.3.1 伽马射线成像
基于伽马射线的成像的主要用途包括核医学和天文观测。在核医学中,其方法是给病人注射一种放射性同位素,这种同位素在衰变的过程中会释放出伽马射线。图像由伽马射线探测器收集的发射产生。图1.6(a)显示了通过使用伽马射线成像获得的完整骨扫描图像。这种图像可用于定位骨病变的部位,如感染或肿瘤。图1.6(b)显示了另一种主要的核成像方式,即正电子发射断层扫描(PET)。其原理与第1.2节中简要提到的X射线断层摄影相同。 然而,不是使用外部的X射线能量源,而是给病人提供一种放射性同位素,它在衰变时发射正电子。当一个正电子遇到一个电子时,两者都被湮灭,并放出两个伽马射线。这些射线被检测到,并利用断层扫描的基本原理形成断层图像。图1.6(b)所示的图像是构成病人三维立体图的序列的一个样本。该图像显示了大脑中的一个肿瘤和肺部的一个肿瘤,很容易看到白色的小肿块。


FIGURE 1.6 Examples of gamma-ray imaging.
(a)Bone scan.  (b)PET image.
图1.6 伽马射线成像的例子。
(a)骨扫描。 (b)PET图像。

A star in the constellation of Cygnus exploded about 15,000 years ago, generating a superheated stationary gas cloud (known as the Cygnus Loop) that glows in a spectacular array of colors. Figure 1.6(c)  shows an image of the Cygnus Loop in the gamma-ray band. Unlike the two examples in Figs. 1.6(a) and  (b), this image was obtained using the natural radiation of the object being imaged.Finally, Fig. 1.6(d)  shows an image of gamma radiation from a valve in a nuclear reactor. An area of strong radiation is seen  in the lower left side of the image.



FIGURE 1.6 Examples of gamma-ray imaging.
(c)Cygnus Loop.   (d)Gamma radiation(bright spot) from a reactor valve.
图1.6 伽马射线成像的例子。
(c)天鹅座星云。  (d)来自反应堆阀门的伽马辐射(亮点)。

Images courtesy of
(a)G.E. Medical Systems,
(b)Dr.Michael E.Casey, CTI PET Systems, 
(d)Professors Zhong He and David K.Wehe, University of Michigan.

1.3.2 X-Ray Imaging
X-rays are among the oldest sources of EM radiation used for imaging. The best known use of X-rays is  medical diagnostics, but they also are used extensively in industry and other areas, like astronomy.  X-rays for medical and industrial imaging are generated using an X-ray tube, which is a vacuum tube  with a cathode and anode. The cathode is heated, causing free electrons to be released. These electrons  flow at high speed to the positively charged anode. When the electrons strike a nucleus, energy is  released in the form of X-ray radiation. The energy (penetrating power) of X-rays is controlled by a  voltage applied across the anode, and by a current applied to the filament in the cathode. Figure 1.7(a)  shows a familiar chest X-ray generated simply by placing the patient between an X-ray source and a film  sensitive to X-ray energy. The intensity of the X-rays is modified by absorption as they pass through the  patient, and the resulting energy falling on the film develops it, much in the same way that light develops  photographic film. In digital radiography,digital images are obtained by one of two methods: (1) by  digitizing X-ray films; or (2) by having the X-rays that pass through the patient fall directly onto devices  (such as a phosphor screen) that convert X-rays to light. The light signal in turn is captured by a  light-sensitive digitizing system. We discuss digitization in more detail in Chapters 2 and 4.

1.3.2 X-射线成像
X射线是用于成像的最古老的电磁辐射源之一。X射线最著名的用途是医疗诊断,但它们也被广泛地用于工业和其他领域,如天文学。 用于医疗和工业成像的X射线是用X射线管产生的,它是一个有阴极和阳极的真空管。阴极被加热,导致自由电子被释放。这些电子高速地流向带正电的阳极。当电子撞击原子核时,能量以X射线辐射的形式释放出来。X射线的能量(穿透力)由施加在阳极上的电压和施加在阴极灯丝上的电流来控制。图1.7(a)显示了一个熟悉的胸部X射线,它是通过将病人放在X射线源和对X射线能量敏感的胶片之间产生的。当X射线通过病人时,其强度被吸收而改变,由此产生的能量落在胶片上使其显影,这与光照胶片的显影方式很相似。在数字放射学中,数字图像是通过两种方法之一获得的。(1)将X射线胶片转换为数字格式;或(2)通过让穿过病人的X射线直接落在将X射线转换为光的设备(如荧光屏)上。而光信号又被一个光敏的数字化系统所捕获。我们在第2章和第4章中更详细地讨论了数字化问题。

Angiography is another major application in an area called contrast-enhancement radiography. This  procedure is used to obtain images (called angiograms) of blood vessels. A catheter (a small, flexible,  hollow tube) is inserted, for example, into an artery or vein in the groin. The catheter is threaded into the  blood vessel and guided to the area to be studied. When the catheter reaches the site under  investigation, an X-ray contrast medium is injected through the tube. This enhances contrast of the blood  vessels and enables the radiologist to see any irregularities or blockages. Figure 1.7(b) shows an example  of an aortic angiogram. The catheter can be seen being inserted into the large blood vessel on the lower left of the picture.Note the high contrast of the large vessel as the contrast medium flows up in the direction of the kidneys, which are also visible in the image. As discussed in Chapter 2, angiography is a major area of digital image processing, where image subtraction is used to enhance further the blood vessels being studied.







FIGURE 1.7 Examples of X-ray imaging. 
(a) Chest X-ray.
(b) Aortic angiogram. 
(c) Head CT.
(d) Circuit boards. 
(e) Cygnus Loop. 

图1.7 X射线成像的例子。
(a) 胸部X光。
(b) 主动脉血管造影。
(c) 头部CT。
(d) 电路板。
(e) 天鹅座星云。

Images courtesy of (a) and (c) Dr.David R. Pickens,Dept. of Radiology & Radiological Sciences,Vanderbilt University Medical Center;
(b) Dr. Thomas R. Gest, Division of Anatomical Sciences,University of Michigan Medical School; 
(d) Mr. Joseph E. Pascente, Lixi, Inc.; 
and (e) NASA.

Another important use of X-rays in medical imaging is computerized axial tomography (CAT). Due to their resolution and 3-D capabilities,CAT scans revolutionized medicine from the moment they first became available in the early 1970s. As noted in Section 1.2, each CAT image is a “slice”taken perpendicularly through the patient. Numerous slices are generated as the patient is moved in a longitudinal direction.The ensemble of such images constitutes a 3-D rendition of the inside of the body, with the longitudinal resolution being proportional to the number of slice images taken. Figure 1.7(c) shows a typical head CAT slice image.

X射线在医学成像中的另一个重要用途是计算机化轴向断层扫描(CAT)。由于其分辨率和3-D能力,CAT扫描从1970年代初首次出现时就彻底改变了医学。如第1.2节所述,每张CAT图像是一个垂直于病人的 "切片"。当病人沿纵向移动时,会产生许多切片。这些图像的组合构成了身体内部的三维渲染,纵向分辨率与所拍摄的切片图像数量成正比。图1.7(c)是一个典型的头部CAT切片图像。

Techniques similar to the ones just discussed, but generally involving higher-energy X-rays, are applicable in industrial processes. Figure 1.7(d) shows an X-ray image of an electronic circuit board. Such images, representative of literally hundreds of industrial applications of X-rays, are used to examine circuit boards for flaws in manufacturing, such as missing components or broken traces. Industrial CAT scans are useful when the parts can be penetrated by X-rays, such as in plastic assemblies, and even large bodies, like solid-propellant rocket motors. Figure 1.7(e) shows an example of X-ray imaging in astronomy. This image is the Cygnus Loop of Fig. 1.6(c), but imaged this time in the X-ray band.




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