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Top10 considerations when validating an autoclave


Consideration 1 Choosing the right sterilisation cycle to implement
注意事项 1:选择正确的灭菌周期

There are three basic types of sterilisation cycles. Choose the right one according to the type of goods to be sterilised:

Hard Goods (Vacuum)

Suitable for items that are easy to sterilise, because air removal and steam penetration are highly effective on these items. e.g., open glassware and large diameter piping

A typical hard goods cycle may draw one vacuum prior to introducing steam to reach the desired sterilisation temperature.

Wrapped Goods (Vacuum)

Utilized for items that are difficult to sterilise, because air removal and steam penetration are harder to achieve on these items than on hard goods.

e.g., empty bottles (glass or plastic) with lids, gowns, long hoses/tubes, vent filters, portable vessels with small inlet/outlet ports

A typical wrapped goods cycle may draw three or more vacuums prior to reaching sterilisation. A post-sterilisation vacuum draws the steam from the load items.
一个典型的包裹品灭菌循环在灭菌前至少进行 3 次抽真空。灭菌后通过真空将负载中的蒸汽抽走。

Liquids (Non-vacuum)

Items that contain liquids generally cannot have a deep vacuum pulled or the liquid will be drawn out of them. Autoclave cycles for liquids generally heat up and cool down without a vacuum. Steam, introduced into the top of the chamber, displaces the air. The air is pushed to the bottom of the chamber and is removed.

The steps involved in choosing the right sterilisation cycle.


Consideration 2 Which load configurations to use?
注意事项 2:使用那一种负载配置

A variable to consider is whether to use fixed load or variable load configurations. There’s a trade-off here between validation effort and operational flexibility – do you want to validate a wide range of load configurations to increase Production’s flexibility in loading the autoclave? Here are some typical load configurations to consider:
需要考虑的一个因素是选择固定装载还是可变的装载。在验证和操作灵活性之间需要一个权衡- 你是否验证最大最小装载以增加生产的灵活性?下面是需要考虑的一些典型装载模式:

A fixed load/fixed position configuration means that any load to be sterilised will be placed inside the chamber in exactly the same way for every processing run. A diagram of the load configuration should appear in the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) so that operators can reproduce the load for every processing run. This situation requires the fewest validation runs (3), but offers no flexibility in load configurations.
固定装载/固定位置模式 意味着, 任何待灭菌装载将以完全相同的方式放置在室内。在标准作业流程(SOP)中应有负载配置的图表,因此操作者可以在脑海中再现每一个运行过程的负载。这种情况要求最少的验证运行(3),但负载配置没有灵活性。

A fixed load/variable position configuration means that the location of the load items in the autoclave can vary. Only a list of the items that can be in a load is required for the SOP. The validation runs must demonstrate positional equivalence by rotating the items from location to location during the test runs. If positional equivalence is proven after three validation runs, then you can stop. A fixed load/variable position configuration gives operators flexibility in loading the autoclave. This saves time when loading large loads of numerous items of different types.
固定负载/可变位置模式 指负载在高压灭菌器内的位置是可变的。在 SOP 中只需一个负载列表。在测试运行过程中,验证运行应通过轮换负荷物品逐个位置论证不同位置的等效性。如果经过 3 个run的验证证明了位置的等效性那就可以停止。固定负载/可变位置的模式给操作者操作高压灭菌器时带来灵活性。针对包含不同物品的大负载来说,这样可以节省时间。

A variable load configuration means that different combinations of items and/or numbers of any item(s) can be placed into the chamber. The validation runs must demonstrate that the cycle is adequate for both a maximum and minimum load configuration. The minimum load tests are done with only one item in the autoclave, that item being the load item demonstrated as being the most difficult to sterilise .
可变负载配置 指腔室内物品种类和/或数量不固定。验证运行时必须表明此循环周期可以满足最大和最小两个负载模式。最小负载测试高压灭菌器腔室一个物品,必须证明其是最难灭菌的一个物品。

Consideration 3 Choosing the right Control for liquid cycles
注意事项 3:选择合适的液体循环监控装置

The choice of the Control used when sterilising liquids determines whether the load you are sterilising will pass all the acceptance criteria.

More than one liquid Control may be needed to validate all the different types of bottles and liquids requiring sterilisation. Consider the following when choosing the Control for liquid cycles:

  • The size of the bottle and its fill volume – the larger the bottle and the greater its volume, the harder it is to sterilise.
  • The thickness of the glass –thicker glass is more difficult to sterilise than thinner glass.
  • The viscosity of the liquid – the greater the viscosity, the slower the heat-up time, and the harder it is to sterilise.
    液体的粘度 – 粘度越大传热越慢,就越难灭菌。

The liquid Control will ideally be the one that is the most difficult to sterilise (worst-case) and will be located at the coldest spot in the chamber (lower level near the front door or directly above the drain).

Don’t be tempted to use a Control that is dramatically different from the composition of the load. If the liquid Control takes too long to reach the sterilisation temperature, then the protein composition of the media in the rest of the load (which may have exceeded the desired temperature by the time the Control reaches the sterilisation temperature) may be denatured.

If in doubt, perform preliminary studies using different liquid Controls to obtain information on the load&#39;s heat-up times and F0-values.

The number of validation runs required for different types of liquids and bottles can be reduced by grouping liquids with similar viscosities, bottle sizes and fill volumes. Each liquid Control will have a unique maximum and minimum load configuration associated with it.

Use procedural controls to ensure that the choice of liquid, bottle size and fill volume used for each Control, and its location in the chamber, are maintained during the validation runs and subsequent processing runs.

Consideration 4  Determining which load items are the most difficult to sterilise and which location(s) within the items represents the worst-case conditions
注意事项 4:确定哪些装载物品是最难灭菌的和哪些位置最能代表灭菌的最差情况

With a large load containing a wide variety of different types of items, the number of possible test locations within items seems to approach infinity. It also can be difficult to get the thermocouple and indicators (BI & CI) into the item without affecting the item’s ability to be sterilised and/or ruining the item (a concern with expensive items).
由于负载包含很多不同类型物品,需要检测的位置似乎很多。在不影响物品灭菌能力或破坏物品(关注贵重物品)的情况下,将热电偶和指示剂(BI 与 CI)放入物品中也是非常困难的。

We must evaluate each item on a case-by-case basis and determine how to best challenge the item. Often the item must be sealed somehow to return it to a state that represents equivalency with respect to steam penetration.

Some examples:

Q. What is the most difficult point to sterilise in a hose of uniform diameter?

A. In the centre of the length of hose.

Q. How do you get a 3 m length of thermocouple into the middle of a 20 m hose?
问:如何将一个 3 米长的热电偶插入 20 米的软管中间?

A. By cutting a slot in the middle of the hose and inserting the thermocouple through the slot, making sure to seal the slot with silicon. If you don’t seal it, you will not be challenging the hose properly. Alternatively, get two 10 m lengths of hose (if available) and join them with a connector, after inserting the thermocouple through the connector. Using this method doesn’t ruin a 20 m length of hose.
答:在软管中间刻一插槽,热电偶沿着插槽插入软管,确保用硅胶将插槽密封,如果你没有密封,则不能挑战软管。或者,将两个 10 米的软管(如有)插入热电偶后用连接器将其连接,用这种方法则不用破坏 20 米长的管子。

Q. What is the worst-case location within a bottle, flask or cylinder?

A. In the centre near the bottom (but not touching the floor).

Q. How do you hold a thermocouple in position inside a sealed bottle?

A. Choose a piece of Silastic tubing with an internal diameter (ID) that is narrow enough to hold the thermocouple probe without letting it slip through. Drill a hole in the bottle&#39;s lid the same size as the outer diameter (OD) of the tubing. Push the tubing through the hole, into the bottle. Now push the probe into the tubing. Slide the probe through the tubing until it reaches the desired position in the bottle. Make sure it is not touching the wall of the bottle. For bottles with rubber stoppers, make a small hole in the centre of the stopper, sufficient to push the thermocouple through.

Consideration 5 Wired temperature thermocouples are cumbersome and don’t always give accurate data
注意事项 5:有线热电偶较复杂,且并非总是提供准确的数据

The list below highlights some considerations when using wired thermocouples:

  • Some loss of steam (leakage) will occur when the wire&#39;s outer plastic protector has been cut and air or steam can pass through it. This may result in a failed leak test.
  • Validator thermocouples inside the chamber will draw condensate and will need a slice/cut made in their outer protective layer, to ensure that any fluid is released. If condensate passes through the wires and into the electronics, the thermocouples will be destroyed.
  • The thermocouple may be difficult to place into the item without adversely affecting the item’s ability to be sterilised and/or ruining the item (a concern with expensive items).
    热电偶可能难以在不影响物品灭菌和/或破坏物品 (贵重物品)的情况下,放入物品中。
  • Wires can get caught (and be damaged) under the autoclave&#39;s wheels when moving loads into and out of the chamber.
  • It is difficult to place wires inside sealed bottles without (i) touching the inside wall, and (ii) compromising the bottle’s ability to be sterilised.
  • You may be limited by the number of wires you can place through the autoclave&#39;s inlet.

The resistance of the thermocouple in some locations in the chamber can change, leading to inaccurate and/or unreliable data even though the pre/post calibration verifications meet specifications.

Case Study

This example looks at nine thermocouples placed into a loaded chamber. They were evenly spaced from one another at the top, middle and bottom levels and at the front, centre and rear of the chamber.

The study used wired thermocouples in a loaded chamber for a 40-minute cycle at 121.1 °C. The chamber&#39;s maximum pressure of 2.16 bar (at any time) was equivalent to 122.7 °C. One probe (top front LHS) constantly reached temperatures between 123.3 °C and 123.5 °C. All other probes were within the required limit of 120.1 °C +2 °C/-1 °C at temperatures from 122.4 °C to 122.7 °C.
该研究使用有线热电偶用于测试 121.1℃ 40 分钟的负载腔体 。内室最大压力 2.16bar(在任何时间)相当于 122.7℃。一个探头(顶部前左)温度持续维持在123.3 °C - 123.5 °C之间。所有其他探头则在规定温度范围120.1℃ +2 ° C/-1 ° C内,在122.4 ° C 至 122.7 ° C 之间

The temperature differential started during heat-up and remained during the sterilisation and post vacuum cooling phases. The Equipment Engineer and the Manufacturer agreed that the temperature reading at this position was inaccurate and unreliable. The thermocouple reading was inconsistent with the steam pressure indication and the other thermocouple readings. Consequently, no useful data were collected at that point.

Consideration 6 Determining the acceptance criteria
注意事项 6:确定接受标准

An example:

You run your validation studies, only to realise that you cannot meet one of the acceptance criteria. But, was it really needed in the first place?

It’s important to understand the aim of the autoclave cycle and what its parameters are. For example, is it for sterilisation or decontamination? Is the load heat sensitive, or can it be subjected to an overkill cycle? Is it a porous load (hard/wrapped goods), or is it a liquid?

Most Validation departments have a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) detailing the validation requirements for sterilisation processes. Included in that is a complete list of all the acceptance criteria.

Each phase of the autoclave cycle is likely to have different acceptance criteria:

Phase I – Heat distribution (empty chamber)
第一阶段 - 热分布(空载)

Phase II – Heat distribution (loaded)
第二阶段 - 热分布(装载)

Phase III – Heat distribution (loaded) cold spot determination within
第三阶段 - 热分布(装载)内部冷点测定

Phase IV – Heat penetration
第四阶段 - 热穿透

There may also be different requirements for Phases III and IV if you are sterilising liquids (non-vacuum) vs. porous items (vacuum), e.g., F0 > 15 at the end of sterilisation (liquids only).
对于灭菌液体(非真空)和多孔装载(真空),第三阶段和第四阶段可能存在不同的要求,例如灭菌结束时 F0>15(只针对液体)。

Typical acceptance criteria are as follows:

  • All porous cycles require min SAL 10-6 at the end of sterilisation. All porous items are subject to at least one post-vacuum cycle which removes steam from the chamber (Phases III & IV).
  • All liquid cycles require a min SAL 10-6 and a min F0 > 15 at the end of the cycle, because they do not use vacuum and are subject to natural cooling(Phases III & IV).
    所有液体循环周期要求SAL≤ 10-6,并且F0 > 15,因为它们不使用真空,并自然冷却(阶段三和四)。
  • Throughout the sterilisation phase all temperatures are within a 3 °C range (Phases II, III & IV), e.g., 121.1 °C -1 °C/+2 °C.
    在整个灭菌阶段所有的温度都在 3 ° C 的变化范围内(阶段二,三和四)例如,121.1 ° C -1℃/+2 ° C
  • Throughout the sterilisation phase all temperatures in the chamber are within 1.0 °C of the chamber&#39;s mean temperature (Phase II).
    在整个灭菌阶段,灭菌柜各探头温度在平均温度±1.0 ℃范围内,(阶段二)。
  • The steam&#39;s temperature corresponds to its vapour pressure (Phases II, III & IV).4
    蒸汽的温度与其蒸气压力相适应(阶段 II,III 及 IV)。
  • Timed measurements are to be controlled to an accuracy of ±1%.
    时间计时控制在±1%的精度范围内(阶段 II,III 及 IV)。
  • Required pre-certification and post-certification of the data logger ensures that the temperature measurement system is accurate to within ±0.5 °C.
    验证前和验证后温度测量系统的准确度在± 0.5℃的范围内。
  • The load is visually dry at the end of the cycle (porous cycles only).
  • All autoclaved Biological Indicators (BIs) are negative and the control is positive following incubation (Phase IV).

Consideration 7 Adequately documenting the validation test runs
注意事项 7:充分记录验证测试

Documenting what was done during the validation test runs is all about knowing what needs to be documented and how to present it. This documentation must be clear, consistent between runs and transparent, and must conform to all GMP requirements. It must be complete and must include the following items:
记录验证测试期间进行的工作,就是了解需要记录的内容以及如何记录它。记录清晰、一致和一目了然,并且必须符合所有 GMP 要求。它必须是完整的,并且必须包括以下项目:

  • a diagram showing the location of all load items within the autoclave chamber
  • the precise location/number of each thermocouple, BI and CI within each item
  • the printout from the data recorder
  • the printout or chart from the autoclave

  • the time the sterilisation period began and finished (per the data recorder time)

  • the time difference between the autoclave controller and the validation temperature monitoring device

  • the results of each BI and CI

  • Label each document with the equipment ID, load description, date, test run number and cycle start/end time.
  • 每个记录分别标明设备 ID、负载说明、日期、测试编号和循环开始/结束时间。

If you fail to generate good documentation while conducting the validation test runs, you will not be able to analyse the data when putting together the report. Inadequate or poor quality data to support the validation process will not survive the scrutiny of an auditor.


Be cautious about the acceptance criteria you employ to verify the accuracy of thermocouples. If the criterion is too tight (e.g., all thermocouples must meet the acceptance criteria), you may lose a lot of runs if one or two thermocouples cease functioning or are outside the temperature tolerance after the runs.

Consideration 8 The frequency of thermocouple accuracy verification
注意事项 8:热电偶准确度确认的频率

If you are performing a large number of test runs (e.g., over the course of several weeks), you need to think about the points at which you will verify the thermocouples&#39; accuracy. This could be done after every run and/or at the end of the entire testing period. If you wait until the end of the testing period, you run the risk that all of the runs are of no value due to their failure to meet the verification acceptance criteria. Verifying after every run, however, adds considerably to the length of time required to complete the testing. Performing the verification every three runs or every few days is a reasonable compromise.

As noted in Consideration 6, the acceptance criterion you employ to verify the thermocouples&#39; accuracy should allow at least one or two thermocouples to fail.
正如注意事项 6 指出,验证热电偶的准确度,应允许至少一个或两个热电偶失效。

Consideration 9 Having adequate time and access to the autoclave to complete the validation
注意事项 9:确保足够的时间和支配来完成验证

It’s easy to under estimate the length of time it takes to validate an autoclave, and how much access you need to it during the process.

For example, it can take up to four hours to set up your run, i.e., prepare the load, place probes, BIs and CIs into the load, etc. If Production needs to use the autoclave and you need to remove your probes, BIs and CIs, then you need to start all over again, effectively losing a day. Work with the Production department when planning the Validation project to ensure that you have adequate access to the autoclave.
例如,可能需要长达四个小时进行准备,例如,准备装载,放置探头,将BI和 CI 放入负载中等。如果生产需要使用高压灭菌器,你需要将探头,BI 和 CI挪出来,然后从头再来,白白浪费一天。在规划验证项目时与生产部门合作,以确保你能有足够的支配。

Another approach is to combine Phase II and III (Heat Distribution) with Phase IV (Heat Penetration) studies to save time.

Combining these three phases could reduce the time it takes to complete the validation project; however, you need to consider the following when doing this:

1  You will need to place probes into the chamber and into load items at the same time. Can you fit all the probes through the autoclave&#39;s inlet? If not, then you need to either validate each phase separately, or reduce the number of probes.

2  Combining these three phases greatly increases your preparation time. If you are working on a tight schedule (e.g., on a construction site where you need to evacuate at a certain time), you may not have time to complete the study. If this happens, then it may take more time to perform the work than if you had done each phase separately.

3  If you are under time pressure, there is a greater chance that you will miss something or make a mistake.

4  There are more data to consider. If you check only a few critical requirements before proceeding to the next study, you may miss something that did not meet an acceptance criterion. This may mean that all subsequent studies are at risk, because the data cannot be verified. For example, a probe may be falsely reading too high.

5   Allow enough time for the report to be completed.

If you are validating a new autoclave, then you need to allow enough time for:

(一)writing a validation plan

(二)writing the commissioning and IQ protocols
(二)编写试机和 IQ方案

(三)preparing the OQ/PQ protocols
(三)准备 OQ / PQ方案

(四)performing OQ/PQ studies
(四)开展 OQ / PQ 的研究

(五)writing the OQ/PQ reports, preparing folders, etc.
(五)编写 OQ / PQ 的报告,准备文件等

If you are performing a large number of test runs (e.g., over the course of several weeks), then you need to ensure that enough time has been allocated to prepare the folders and write the reports. Allow one day to do a run and another day to analyse the data, i.e., two days per study. Also allow time to write protocols and reports, and to have them reviewed and approved by other people (if appropriate). If you are developing the validation cycles, then this will also take time.

Consideration 10 Have the right procedural controls in place to ensure ongoing consistency and correct operation
注意事项 10:制定正确的程序进行控制,以确保持续一致和正确操作

Congratulations, you have just finished validating a new autoclave for a number of different cycles and load configurations. Now, what controls need to be in place to ensure that the validated loads are used consistently?

  • A Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the new autoclave should be prepared. It must include clear guidelines for each of the validated cycles, including diagrams of the load configurations. Test the procedure&#39;s clarity by asking a typical operator to follow the instructions with a dummy load.
    准备新高温灭菌器的标准操作程序(SOP)。对每个验证程序必须有明确的指引,包括负载图。应准备新高压灭菌器的标准操作程序 (SOP)。它必须包括每个经过验证的周期的明确准则,包括负载配置图。要求一个典型操作员按照SOP进行操作来检查SOP的清晰度。
  • Each operator who uses the autoclave should be trained and tested on the SOP.

    对每个使用高压灭菌器操作者进行培训和 SOP 考试。
  • Logbooks should be in place for each cycle.

  • Use a risk-based approach to determine the troubleshooting guidelines to include in the SOP. The manufacturer’s documentation and website may detail things that commonly go wrong.

    采用基于风险评估的方法制定检修指南,包含在 SOP 里。制造商的文件和网站可能有常见故障的详述。
  • An ongoing requalification program for the autoclave and the loads is required. The frequency can be 6, 12 or 24 months.

    对于高压灭菌器和装载来说,持续再确认程序是必需的,频率可为 6,12 或 24 个月。

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