1) 数据来源
Storz内窥镜(All data was recorded with a Karl Storz Image 1 laparoscopic camera (Karl Storz SE & Co. KG, Tuttlingen, Germany), with a 30◦ optic lens. The Karl Storz Xenon 300 was used as a light source.) 2) 数据采集
海德堡大学医院外科综合手术室(Data acquisition was executed during daily routine procedures at the Heidelberg University Hospital, Department of Surgery in the integrated operating room (Karl Storz OR1 FUSION R ).) 3) 图像特殊设置
a) 分辨率:从主视频中的 1920×1080 像素 (HD) 降低到 960×540 4) 数据种类
三种不同类型手术(即 10 种直肠切除术、10 种直肠结肠切除术和 10 种乙状结肠切除术)的 30种微创外科手术视频。
2.2.2 数据提取
图像数据提取的步骤: 1) 删除相机在腹部以外的帧,保证隐私安全; 2) 所有视频以1帧/秒的速率进行采样,提取4,456个帧;加上手术阶段转换期间提取额外帧,总10040帧。 标签: 手术阶段的标签,可用EndVisSub Surgical Workflow Analysis in the SensorOR
2.2.3 标签生成
3.1. Method descriptions of participating algorithms
Team caresyntax: Single network fits all
多实例分割的核心思想:应用基于单个网络的 Mask R-CNN,两个分支共享卷积层。
细节:使用经过预训练的 Mask R-CNN 版本,不包括视频中的任何时间信息。
优势:方法大大优于基于 U-Net 的模型。
Team CASIA_SRL: Dense pyramid attention network for robust medical instrument segmentation
网络:Dense Pyramid Attention Network for multi-instance segmentation
Team Djh: A RASNet-based deep learning approach for the binary segmentation task
网络:Refined Attention Segmentation Network
特点:capture low-level and higher-level features
Team fisensee: OR-UNet
网络:optimized robust residual 2D U-Net (OR-UNet)
模型细节:sum of DSC and cross-entropy loss and a multi-scale loss