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发表于 2022-9-24 10:12:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 <
1 matRad


CERR is MATLAB based software platform for developing and sharing research results using radiation therapy treatment planning and imaging informatics. CERR has a wide variety of dose, imaging, and structure analysis and comparison tools. CERR is open-source and GNU GPL copyrighted. (GitHub - cerr/CERR: Matlab/Octave based platform for Radiological Research.)

  • Deep learning segmentation
  • Radiomics
  • User-friendly access to RT and Radiology meta-data
  • Outcomes Modeling
  • Data Import
  • Contouring

DIRART is a MATLAB toolbox, as well as a stand-alone MATLAB application, for deformable image registration (DIR) and adaptive radiotherapy (ART) research. It contains well implemented DIR algorithms and the essential functions for ART applications. 
The name DIRART stands for DIR+ART.
You need MATLAB to run DIRART. You need CERR (http://code.google.com/p/cerr/) as well.
4 OpenREGGUI---Image processing & proton physics

Image processing, open-source platform for research in proton therapy. A multi-purpose Matlab-based software used in many radiotherapy publications.
Image processing

  • Rigid and non-rigid registration
  • Proton physics
  • Clinical indicators
  • DICOM import/export
5 MCsquare---Fast MC dose computation

MCsquare is a fast Monte Carlo code, developed to simulate proton PBS treatments with the accuracy and calculation speed required in the clinic. Written in C programming language, the algorithm was designed and optimized to exploit the computational power of modern multi-core CPUs. 
Multipurpose simulations

  • 3D & 4D dose calculation
  • Dose to water conversion
  • DVH, LET computation
  • Prompt gamma emission profiles
  • Simulation of treatment uncertainties
  • Beamlet for plan optimization

Workflow integration

  • OpenREGGUI plugin integration
  • Matlab graphical user interface
  • Workflow management

6 MIROpt---Robust dose optimizer 3D/4D

MIROpt is a Matlab-based software package serving to robustly optimize a treatment plan. To compute the dose, it relies on the MCsquare dose engine. Nonetheless, it allows compatibility with other dose engines. For optimization it uses the C++ Ipopt function optimization libraries.
Robust optimization

  • Worst case scenario
  • MC dose accuracy
  • Systematic setup errors
  • Random setup errors (multiple SD)
  • Range errors
  • 4D-dose calculation (multiple 4DCT)
  • Dose per beamlet calculation
  • DVH calculation
Workflow integration

  • OpenREGGUI plugin integration
  • Matlab graphical user interface
  • Workflow management
7 RTK---Image reconstruction toolkit

RTK is an open-source and cross-platform software for fast circular cone-beam CT reconstruction based on the Insight Toolkit (ITK). RTK is developped by the RTK consortium. 

  • Basic operators for reconstruction: filtering, forward and backward projections
  • Multithreaded CPU and GPU versions
  • Tools for respiratory motion correction
  • I/O for several scanners
  • Preprocessing of raw data for scatter correction
8 3DSlicer---Image vizualization and processing

3D Slicer is an open source software platform for medical image informatics, image processing, and three-dimensional visualization. Built with support from the National Institutes of Health and a worldwide developer community, Slicer brings free, powerful cross-platform processing tools to physicians, researchers, and the general public.

  • Powerful image processing
  • Streamlined interface
  • Modular and extensible platform
9 Plastimatch---医学图像配准

10 ITK-SNAP --- segment structures in 3D medical images


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