- mammography (breast, 2D)
- histopathology (colon, 2D)
- chest CT (lungs, 3D)
- 将原始的乳腺X片数据转为灰度图片
- 用直方图匹配对病历切片图像归一化
- import requests
- import zipfile
- from tqdm import tnrange, tqdm_notebook
- import os
- import SimpleITK as sitk
- import matplotlib
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- from matplotlib import cm
- %matplotlib inline
- import numpy as np
- from PIL import Image
- import dicom
- from IPython import display
- import time
- from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
- import copy
- matplotlib.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (20, 17)
- import scipy.signal
复制代码 乳腺X光片灰度图变换
第一项任务包括从乳腺X光片机获取的原始数据,重建灰度乳腺X光图像。 必须采用几个步骤来重建灰度图像,从而使得放射科医生可以阅读这些图像,目的是检测肿瘤,肿块,囊肿,微钙化。
- # raw and gray-level data in ITK format
- raw_img_filename = './assignment_1/raw_mammography.mhd'
- out_img_filename = './assignment_1/processed_mammography.mhd'
- # read ITK files using SimpleITK
- raw_img = sitk.ReadImage(raw_img_filename)
- out_img = sitk.ReadImage(out_img_filename)
- # print image information
- print('image size: {}'.format(raw_img.GetSize()))
- print('image origin: {}'.format(raw_img.GetOrigin()))
- print('image spacing: {}'.format(raw_img.GetSpacing()))
- print('image width: {}'.format(raw_img.GetWidth()))
- print('image height: {}'.format(raw_img.GetHeight()))
- print('image depth: {}'.format(raw_img.GetDepth()))
复制代码- image size: (2560, 3328)
- image origin: (0.0, 0.0)
- image spacing: (0.07000000029802322, 0.07000000029802322)
- image width: 2560
- image height: 3328
- image depth: 0
复制代码 **Question:** 图片的像素大小? Answer: 原始的图片的分辨率2560x3328 (长x宽)是像素的总和.
可以参考链接 http://insightsoftwareconsortium.github.io/SimpleITK-Notebooks/Python_html/01_Image_Basics.html 来找到合适的函数将图片转为numpy。
- out_np: should contain the numpy array from out_img
- raw_np: should contain the numpy array from raw_img
提示: 如果你不熟悉Numpy函数,可参考下面的小教程:
- # convert the ITK image into numpy format
- # >> YOUR CODE HERE <<<
- out_np = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(out_img)
- raw_np = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(raw_img)
复制代码- assert(out_np is not None),"out_np cannot be None"
- assert(raw_np is not None),"raw_np cannot be None"
- # visualize the two numpy arrays
- plt.subplot(1,2,1)
- plt.imshow(raw_np, cmap='gray')
- plt.title('raw data')
- plt.subplot(1,2,2)
- plt.imshow(out_np, cmap='gray')
- plt.title('gray-level data (target)')
- plt.show()
- def sitk_show(img, title=None, margin=0.0, dpi=40):
- nda = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(img)
- #spacing = img.GetSpacing()
- figsize = (1 + margin) * nda.shape[0] / dpi, (1 + margin) * nda.shape[1] / dpi
- #extent = (0, nda.shape[1]*spacing[1], nda.shape[0]*spacing[0], 0)
- extent = (0, nda.shape[1], nda.shape[0], 0)
- fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi)
- ax = fig.add_axes([margin, margin, 1 - 2*margin, 1 - 2*margin])
- plt.set_cmap("gray")
- ax.imshow(nda,extent=extent,interpolation=None)
- if title:
- plt.title(title)
- plt.show()
复制代码 图像预处理技术——CLAHE
- 限制对比度自适应直方图均衡(CLAHE算法)是一种效果较好的均衡算法
- 与普通的自适应直方图均衡相比,CLAHE的 不同地方在于直方图修剪过程,用修剪后的 直方图均衡图像时,图像对比度会更自然。
- 图像分块,以块为单位,先计算直方图,然后修剪直方图,最后均衡;
- 遍历、操作各个图像块,进行块间双线性插值;
- 与原图做图层滤色混合操作。(可选)
- # raw and gray-level data in ITK format
- raw = cv2.imread('1.png', 0)
- equ = cv2.equalizeHist(raw) # 应用全局直方图均衡化
- clahe = cv2.createCLAHE(clipLimit=100, tileGridSize=(8, 8)) # 自适应均衡化,参数可选
- cl1 = clahe.apply(raw)
- # visualize the two numpy arrays
- plt.subplot(3,1,1)
- plt.imshow(raw, cmap='gray')
- plt.title('raw data')
- plt.subplot(3,1,2)
- plt.imshow(equ, cmap='gray')
- plt.title('equ data')
- plt.subplot(3,1,3)
- plt.imshow(cl1, cmap='gray')
- plt.title('clahe data')
- plt.show()
- # logarithmic transformation
- # >> YOUR CODE HERE <<<
- # The mu and d actually stand for depth and intensitiy in the scan
- # It does not have to be incorporated into the calculations
- print(raw_np)
- mammo_log = np.log(raw_np + 1)
- mammo_log = mammo_log *(255/np.max(mammo_log))
- print("Lowest value in mammo_log:" + str(np.min(mammo_log)))
- print("Highest value in mammo_log:" + str(np.max(mammo_log)))
- print(mammo_log)
复制代码- [[163********6383 ... 163********6383]
- [163********6383 ... 163********6383]
- [163********6383 ... 163********6383]
- ...
- [ 8832 8832 8832 ... 8832 8832 8832]
- [ 8832 8832 8832 ... 8832 8832 8832]
- [ 8832 8832 8832 ... 8832 8832 8832]]
- Lowest value in mammo_log:0.0
- Highest value in mammo_log:255.0
- [[255. 255. 255. ... 255. 255. 255. ]
- [255. 255. 255. ... 255. 255. 255. ]
- [255. 255. 255. ... 255. 255. 255. ]
- ...
- [238.7654 238.7654 238.7654 ... 238.7654 238.7654 238.7654]
- [238.7654 238.7654 238.7654 ... 238.7654 238.7654 238.7654]
- [238.7654 238.7654 238.7654 ... 238.7654 238.7654 238.7654]]
复制代码- assert(mammo_log is not None),"mammo_log cannot be None"
- # visualize the result
- plt.imshow(mammo_log, cmap='gray')
- plt.title('after logaritmic transformation')
复制代码- Text(0.5,1,'after logaritmic transformation')
- # intensity inversion
- # >> YOUR CODE HERE <<<
- # In order to make np.invert work, we have to convert floats to ints
- # mammo_inv = np.invert(mammo_log.astype(int))
- # numpy invert is a elementwise operation. The TA told us that we should invert the values by ourself.
- mammo_inv = (mammo_log-np.max(mammo_log))*-1
- print("Lowest value in mammo_inv:" + str(np.min(mammo_inv)))
- print("Highest value in mammo_inv:" + str(np.max(mammo_inv)))
复制代码- Lowest value in mammo_inv:-0.0
- Highest value in mammo_inv:255.0
复制代码- assert(mammo_inv is not None),"mammo_inv cannot be None"
- # visualize the result
- plt.imshow(mammo_inv, cmap='gray')
- plt.title('after intensity inversion')
复制代码- Text(0.5,1,'after intensity inversion')
为了应用对比度拉伸操作,我们首先定义一般的对比度拉伸功能。 输入应至少为:
- 输入信号,
- 窗口范围值p0和pk。
- # contrast stretching
- def contrast_stretching(x, p0, pk, q0=0., qk=255.):
- # >>> YOUR CODE HERE <<<
- x_cs = (x-p0)/(pk-p0)
- x_cs[x_cs<=0] = 0 # Clipping, suggested by TA
- x_cs[x_cs>1] = 1 # Clipping, suggested by TA
- x_cs = q0 + (qk - q0) * x_cs
- return x_cs
复制代码 现在我们可以应用对比度拉伸并可视化结果。
- # plotting histogram to choose proper boundaries (p0, pk)
- hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(mammo_inv, bins=500, range=[75, 110])
- plt.bar(bin_edges[:-1], hist, width = 1)
- plt.xlim(min(bin_edges), max(bin_edges))
- plt.show()
- # pick proper values for p0 and pk
- p0 = 85
- pk = 100
- assert(p0 is not None),"p0 cannot be None"
- assert(pk is not None),"pk cannot be None"
- mammo_cs = contrast_stretching(mammo_inv, p0, pk)
- assert(mammo_cs is not None),"mammo_cs can not be None"
- # visualize the result
- plt.imshow(mammo_cs, cmap='gray')
- plt.show()
您会注意到此阶段的结果已经比您开始的原始数据更具可读性。 然而,结果仍然不如乳腺X光片厂商提供的效果好。 为了检查两者的差异,我们将在反转后(对比度拉伸之前),对比度拉伸之后和目标拉伸之后的结果和可视化乳腺X光片厂商处理图的直方图进行比较。
- # visualize and compare histograms
- plt.subplot(1,3,1)
- plt.hist(mammo_inv.flatten(), 100)
- plt.title('before contrast stretching')
- plt.subplot(1,3,2)
- plt.hist(mammo_cs.flatten(), 100)
- plt.title('after contrast stretching')
- plt.subplot(1,3,3)
- plt.hist(out_np.flatten(), 100)
- plt.title('target')
- plt.show()
**Question:** 你是如何定义p0和pk的值的? 当这些参数发生变化时,结果会改变多少? 你能看一下柱状图吗? 答案:通过绘制倒置图像的直方图,我们寻找一般峰值并隔离每个峰值,并将它们用于对比度拉伸的候选参数。 在分离并尝试了三个不同的峰值之后,我们确定了85到100之间的范围,因为它产生了与厂商处理图片的效果。 0和30左右的第一个峰值仅产生前景和背景之间的分离,因此不是我们正在寻找的解决参数。 如果更改这些参数,则只需将要合并的范围限制为对比度拉伸过程。 这些参数的微小变化可能导致具有不同细节水平的不同图像。 因此,直方图是隔离对比度拉伸的参数选择的有用工具。
对比度拉伸的步骤可以用直方图均衡来代替。 通过这种方式,我们假设目标图像是已知的,我们将从中学习一些强度值对应函数,称为查找表(LUT)。 LUT是一个表格,其条目对应于输入图像中的所有可能值,并且每个值都映射到输出值,目的是模仿目标图像的强度分布,在我们的案例中是乳腺X光片供应商处理结果。
- # function to do histogram matching
- def get_histogram_matching_lut(h_input, h_template):
- ''' h_input: histogram to transfrom, h_template: reference'''
- if len(h_input) != len(h_template):
- print('histograms length mismatch!')
- return False
- # >> YOUR CODE HERE <<
- LUT = np.zeros(len(h_input))
- H_input = np.cumsum(h_input) # Cumulative distribution of h_input
- H_template = np.cumsum(h_template) # Cumulative distribution of h_template
- for i in range(len(H_template)):
- input_index = H_input[i]
- new_index = (np.abs(H_template-input_index)).argmin()
- LUT[i] = new_index
- return LUT, H_input, H_template
复制代码 现在已经实现了函数get_histogram_matching_lut(),你可以执行下一个使用它的单元格,并可视化使用直方图匹配转换的乳腺X光片图像的结果。
- # rescale images between [0,1]
- out_np = out_np.astype(float)
- mammo_inv_norm = (mammo_inv - mammo_inv.flatten().min())/(mammo_inv.flatten().max() - mammo_inv.flatten().min())
- mammo_out_norm = (out_np - out_np.flatten().min())/(out_np.flatten().max() - out_np.flatten().min())
- n_bins = 4000 # define the number of bins
- hist_inv = np.histogram(mammo_inv_norm, bins=np.linspace(0., 1., n_bins+1))
- hist_out = np.histogram(mammo_out_norm, bins=np.linspace(0., 1., n_bins+1))
- # compute LUT
- LUT,H_input,H_template = get_histogram_matching_lut(hist_inv[0], hist_out[0])
- assert(LUT is not None),"LUT cannot be None"
- assert(H_input is not None),"H_input cannot be None"
- assert(H_template is not None),"H_template cannot be None"
- # histograms before matching
- plt.subplot(1,2,1); plt.hist(mammo_inv_norm.flatten())
- plt.title('histogram input')
- plt.subplot(1,2,2); plt.hist(mammo_out_norm.flatten())
- plt.title('histogram target')
- plt.show()
- # plot cumulative histogram
- plt.subplot(1,2,1); plt.plot(H_input)
- plt.title('cumulative histogram input')
- plt.subplot(1,2,2); plt.plot(H_template)
- plt.title('cumulative histogram target')
- plt.show()
- # apply histogram matching
- mammo_lut = LUT[(mammo_inv_norm * (n_bins-1)).astype(int)]
- # visual result
- plt.suptitle('VISUAL RESULT')
- plt.subplot(1,2,1); plt.imshow(mammo_lut.squeeze(), cmap='gray')
- plt.title('converted image')
- plt.subplot(1,2,2); plt.imshow(out_np, cmap='gray')
- plt.title('target')
- plt.show()
- # histograms after matching
- plt.subplot(1,2,1)
- plt.hist(mammo_lut.flatten())
- plt.subplot(1,2,2)
- plt.hist(out_np.flatten())
- plt.show()
你是如何选择用于进行直方图匹配的分箱数? 结果是否取决于分箱的数量?
从目标直方图中获取总分箱数的大小。 似乎结果实际上并不依赖于分箱的数量,因为转换后的图像不会发生变化(很多)。
右边的例子是从公开可用的数据集(https://zenodo.org/record/53169#.WJRAC_krIuU) 中提取的结肠直肠癌组织样本的图像,其中HE染色图像的外观,主要是颜色是不同的。
使用数字病理切片图像时,值得注意的是图像大小通常很大。典型的组织病理学图像是千兆像素图像,大约100,000 x 100,000像素。但是,为了简单起见,在此任务中,我们将仅使用5000x5000像素的图块。
- # load data
- HE1 = np.asarray(Image.open('./assignment_1/CRC-Prim-HE-05_APPLICATION.tif'))
- HE2 = np.asarray(Image.open('./assignment_1/CRC-Prim-HE-10_APPLICATION.tif'))
- print(HE1.shape)
- print(HE2.shape)
- plt.subplot(1,2,1); plt.imshow(HE1); plt.title('HE1')
- plt.subplot(1,2,2); plt.imshow(HE2); plt.title('HE2')
复制代码- (5000, 5000, 3)
- (5000, 5000, 3)
- Text(0.5,1,'HE2')
- def stain_normalization(input_img, target_img, n_bins=100):
- """ Stain normalization based on histogram matching. """
- print("Lowest value in input_img:" + str(np.min(input_img)))
- print("Highest value in input_img:" + str(np.max(input_img)))
- print("Lowest value in target_img:" + str(np.min(target_img)))
- print("Highest value in target_img:" + str(np.max(target_img)))
- normalized_img = np.zeros(input_img.shape)
- input_img = input_img.astype(float) # otherwise we get a complete yellow image
- target_img = target_img.astype(float) # otherwise we get a complete blue image
- # Used resource: https://stackoverflow.com/a/42463602
- # normalize input_img
- input_img_min = input_img.min(axis=(0, 1), keepdims=True)
- input_img_max = input_img.max(axis=(0, 1), keepdims=True)
- input_norm = (input_img - input_img_min)/(input_img_max - input_img_min)
- # normalize target_img
- target_img_min = target_img.min(axis=(0, 1), keepdims=True)
- target_img_max = target_img.max(axis=(0, 1), keepdims=True)
- target_norm = (target_img - target_img_min)/(target_img_max - target_img_min)
- # Go through all three channels
- for i in range(3):
- input_hist = np.histogram(input_norm[:,:,i], bins=np.linspace(0, 1, n_bins + 1))
- target_hist = np.histogram(target_norm[:,:,i], bins=np.linspace(0, 1, n_bins + 1))
- LUT, H_input, H_template = get_histogram_matching_lut(input_hist[0],target_hist[0])
- normalized_img[:,:,i] = LUT[(input_norm[:,:,i] * (n_bins - 1)).astype(int)]
- normalized_img = normalized_img / n_bins
- return normalized_img
复制代码 现在我们可以使用实现的函数进行染色剂归一化并查看实际结果。
- # transform HE1 to match HE2
- HE1_norm = stain_normalization(HE1, HE2);
- assert(HE1_norm is not None),"HE1_norm can not be None"
- plt.subplot(1,3,1)
- plt.imshow(HE1); plt.title('HE1 before normalization')
- plt.subplot(1,3,2)
- plt.imshow(HE1_norm); plt.title('HE1 after normalization')
- plt.subplot(1,3,3)
- plt.imshow(HE2); plt.title('target')
- plt.show()
- # transform HE2 to match HE1
- HE2_norm = stain_normalization(HE2, HE1);
- plt.subplot(1,3,1); plt.imshow(HE2)
- plt.title('HE2 before normalization')
- plt.subplot(1,3,2); plt.imshow(HE2_norm)
- plt.title('HE2 after normalization')
- plt.subplot(1,3,3); plt.imshow(HE1)
- plt.title('target')
- plt.show()
复制代码- Lowest value in input_img:0
- Highest value in input_img:255
- Lowest value in target_img:0
- Highest value in target_img:255
- Lowest value in input_img:0
- Highest value in input_img:255
- Lowest value in target_img:0
- Highest value in target_img:255
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