首先,文章原贴地址:https://www.auntminnie.com/index.aspx?sec=sup&sub=pac&pag=dis&itemId=125231,原文标题:“How will PACS evolve over the next decade?”。
有必要先介绍一下作者,Herman Oosterwijk。Herman是AuntMinnie网站的特约作者,他现在是一家名为OTech的医疗影像信息化咨询公司的CEO。OTech公司对外提供医疗影像信息化的咨询和培训服务,大家如果有兴趣,可以去http://www.otechimg.com看看。上面包含了从DICOM到PACS,再到IHE,乃至HL7和EHR的各项知识付费服务,明码标价,挺有意思的。基本上一个“课包”,定价在600~700美元。
插句题外话。成立咨询公司,提供付费咨询和培训公司,这会不会是很多IT从业人员随着年岁渐长而选择的未来个人发展方向? 理想篇:脚踏实地、展望未来的正文
好了,大家不一定真有时间去看原版评论,这里“冒然”汇总搬运一下。 PACS hasn’t evolved over the last decade.
“How will PACS evolve in the next decade? If history is any clue, our PACS will be 10 years older and our hospital may be the only one on the planet still using it. ”
“It used to be you upgraded your PACS every 5-6 years, and then it became every 7-8 years, and now it's more like "Upgrade? We don't need no stinking upgrade! Does it still work? Then shut up and read!" <Sigh> Now you know why so many PACS vendors are struggling.. ”
“why so many PACS vendors are struggling”,必须把这句话加粗再重复一遍啊,一语道出放射医生和PACS厂商相爱相杀,又不离不弃的情结啊。 We (radiologists) don't buy PACS - hospital administrators do.
” "PACS is Radiology" but some dudes in suits that have never even logged in to a PACS application and probably don't even know what the acronym stands for are the decision makers. “
简单翻译就是,拍板买PACS都不是穿白大褂的,都是穿西装的。 VNA is a misconception of the last 5 years, and people are now waking up to the reality.
这是一名新会员,发帖数只有一次。但看到这个评论,确实有些意外。各大厂商早在几年前就开始力推VNA,由于国内基本没有VNA,所以一直很好奇VNA落地应用效果如何。这名会员抱怨,VNA并没有像宣传的那样,优化工作流程和阅片体验,反而带来了大量的集成痛点,而且性能低下,还造成了各个供应商之间的相互推诿(finger pointing between different vendors)。(发现这是学习地道英语的好途径啊。) A smart PACS with AI?
这条积极向上的发言,被淹没在一片吐槽声中。但大家是否想到,这条发言对于很多正在“勇攀AI疾病诊断高峰”的厂商来说,开辟了一个完全不同的非常有价值的视角。一线医生的想法就是这么“朴实无华”,我不需要AI替我做诊断,只需要让我能够少点击鼠标,拯救我的“鼠标手”。 Is PACS online today?
好吧,就用这篇神作,作为结束吧。 Is PACS online today?
Is that just fantasy?
Still caught in downtime
With no functionality-
Open your files
Look up from the dials and see
I’m just a poor rad, trying to get through the day
‘Cause PACS is easy come easy go
Why it glitches, I don’t know
Any way the circuits blow doesn’t really matter to me
To I.T…..
Mama, just read a scan
Had a CT of the head
Clicked it off, now PACS is dead
Mama, it had just come up
But now I’ve gone and crashed it all again
Mama, Oooo, ooo ee ooo
Didn’t mean to make it die
If it’s not online again this time tomorrow
Back to film, Back to film, as if PACS doesn’t matter
Too late, my PACS won’t scroll
Couldn’t label any spine
Lovely software past its prime
Goodbye to my worklist, it won’t update now
Gotta reboot yet again and hope it works
Mama, Ooo Ooo Ooo Ooo,
I can’t have it die
I wish sometimes I wasn’t a rad at all
I see a little problem getting back online
*Waterloo, Waterloo, Can you make the damn PACS work?*
*Shorting out and sparking, keeping me remarking: OY!*
*Mike Cannavo, Mike Cannavo*
*Mike Cannavo, Mike Cannavo*
*Mike Cannavo make it work, oh make it work Ooo, Oooo,Ooo*
But I’m just a poor rad and my PACS hates me-
*He’s just a poor rad from a bad residency*
*Spare him the joy from this monstrosity*
Easy on easy off, will you let me work
*Just fix it! No we will not make it work-Make it work!*
*Just fix it! We will not let you work-let it work!*
*Just fix it! We will not let you work-let me work!*
*Will not let you work*-let me work
*Will not let you work*-let me work
*Mama mia, mama mia, mama mia let it work*
The Psycho ward has a nice cell set aside for me, for me, for ME!
So you think you can patch me and tell me I’m fine
So you think that an upgrade will keep me online
Oh, baby, can’t do this to me baby
Just gotta hang on, just gotta stay online right here
Nothing ever matters
Anyone can see
Nothing ever matters-nothing really matters for I.T....
*Any way the circuits blow….*