A proton spins and its axis of rotation precesses about the direction of the external magnetic field.这里要提到一个概念:拉莫频率(Larmor frequency),指进动的角频率。
一般情况下,在MRI中,采用B0=1.5T的外加磁场强度;对于氢质子,旋磁比(也就是伽马常数) γ大约是2.68*(10^8) rad s-1 T-1。把B0和γ代入到拉莫尔频率的数学公式中,就可得到f0=64 MHz。此时这个频率最好处在了无线电波频率的区间(Radio Frequency region)。说到这 也就能明白为什么后期是外加RF pulse了,因为频率相同的情况下能产生共振现象。
当把射频脉冲关闭后,部分“高能级”的质子就会释放能量,逐渐转回到低能级的状态,这个过程中释放出来的能量就能够被相应的仪器探测到。The rate of 'relaxation' tells us something about the environment of the protons.
回到我们开篇讲到的东西: 弛豫时间 (relaxation time).
能量以指数式衰减 (Exponential Decay Pattern)其中,T1 (the spin-lattice relaxation time, where the energy of the spinning nuclei is transferred to the surrounding 'lattice' of nearby atoms); T2 (the spin-spin relaxation time, where the energy is transferred to other spinning nuclei)。
These relaxation times depend on the environment of the nuclei. For biological materials, it depends on their water content. For example, 1) water and watery tissues (e.g., cerebrospinal fluid) have relaxation times of several seconds; 2) Fatty tissues (e.g., white matter in the brain) have shorter relaxation times, several hundred milliseconds; 3) Cancerous tissues have intermediate relaxation times.
核磁共振成像的核心原理: Different tissues can be distinguished by the different rates at which they release energy after they have been forced to resonate.